St. Thomas' J.N.S.

Newsletter 19/1/2023

Newsletter 19/1/2023

Newsletter 19/1/2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

CARPARK- Please keep our pupils and staff safe. A reminder to parents/guardians that the car park is for staff and parents with permits only. Please do not use the carpark to park, drop off or u-turn. Clamping is also in operation for non-permit holders. If you are a permit holder and need a new one for 2023, please contact Maureen in the office asap.

Enrolment for junior infants 2023/2024 will close on 3/2/2023. Please find an expression of interest form on our school website HERE.

GAA: Senior infants are starting GAA training in the school on Jan. 25th with coach Alan O’ Neill (GPO Lucan Sarsfield’s). Academy is also starting up on 14th January so if you think your child may be interested in joining Lucan Sarsfield’s GAA, please contact Alan on 0871213587.

Eolas App: You should by now have received notification with guidelines as to how to set up the new Eolas App. As a parent/guardian you will be able to; receive messages from school, make online payments, book parent teacher meetings, and access your child’s attendance record using the app. It is important that we have the correct email address on file to contact you. Please notify the school immediately if you have changed your email address recently. We ask all parents/guardians to download the app as soon as possible to ensure communication is smooth and to also enable notifications from this app.

Literacy Lift Off: Our first classes began literacy lift off this week. The children are really enjoying it. The aim is to improve reading for our pupils and we will utilise our brand new PM readers. We always encourage parents to read at home with their children. Not only does it increase literacy levels but it strengthens the emotional connection between child and parent/guardian.

Upcoming Closures: Feb. 6th Bank Holiday. Feb. 16th and 17th Mid-term break.

Wellbeing: Ms. Finnegan and Ms. Doherty, following the successful awarding of the Amber flag last year are continuing the promotion of wellbeing for our pupils and staff. Check out all that is happening in the coming weeks.

Running Each class level will run to a county in Ireland. All 5 classes at each level will work together to get to the final destination. Jnr infants are running to Wexford (100km). Senior infants are running to Wexford (100km). 1st class are running to Cork (200km). 2nd Class are running to Cork (200km). One lap of the yard is representative of one kilometre.10 at ten. Every morning we will have the 10@10. The children will do10 jumping jacks, lunges, squats etc. Our pupils will certainly be fit after all this activity.

First Holy Communion: An email from Parish Priest Fr. Philip Curran was sent to all parents/guardians who have registered their children for First Holy Communion online. If you did not receive it, please contact the parish office directly. There will be a meeting in St. Patrick's Church on Thursday 26th January at 7:30 pm for those who have registered. Please note that this meeting is not for the children themselves rather it is for parents and guardians. Please bring along to the meeting your child's Baptism Certificate, which will be retained by the parish.

Catholic Schools Week begins on January 22nd 2023.

Parents’ Association News

Breast Cancer Ireland: The PA will facilitate a presentation in the junior hall on February 8th @8pm. We welcome all parents and guardians to this talk. The breast check talk is for both males and females and is very informative. We encourage you all to prioritise your health.

Subscriptions: Each year the PA welcome support from our parents/guardians to in turn benefit our pupils. A donation of €10 would be most welcome from each family and this can be paid via databiz from February 2nd onwards. The PA subs go towards supporting your children in many ways-eg. The Fun Run, purchase of PM readers, medals, goodie bags, school trips, school equipment, evening talks for parents etc. Your support would be most greatly appreciated.

Punctuality: We ask parents to please have their children in their lines for ‘five to nine’. Punctuality is an important life skill for children to learn from a young ago. Aside from this, we want to ensure that pupils are not missing out on valuable learning time each morning. Being late often causes upset for our young pupils and we also wish to avoid this. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation with this.

Winter Woolies Walk: Dear children. As part of our work on our Greenschools flag, we are holding our next WOW morning: Walk On Wednesdays or Walk Once a Week. Wednesday January 25th 2023. We will count how many children walked to school on that day and every WOW day after that. The winning class will get the Golden Boot Award.

Please remember the following:

  • Wear your RSA bright jackets that we gave out last year.
  • Walking is healthy and you will feel fresher for school
  • For children who live far away can meet at the Park N stride. group leaders will leave at 8.25am from the Lord Lucan Carpark.
  • It’s fun to walk to school together and most importantly ...... you are not making DIRTY BLACK SMOKE

Kind regards,

Lorraine Murray

Acting Principal

Esker, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland
01 628 2691
RCN: 20204514
© 2025 St. Thomas' J.N.S.