Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Incoming Junior Infants September 2024-2025 Admissions for incoming Junior Infants for the next academic year 2024-2025 is available. The Expression of Interest form is available online via Aladdin. Please click on the following link to access it.
Lost and Found There are some items of clothing which remain unclaimed.
RSV/ Bronchiolitis infections We have been notified by the HSE to inform you that there has been a significant rise in RSV/ Bronchiolitis infections in young children. Please keep children at home if they are sick.
County Photos will collect all returned proof cards today, Thursday 30th November. Please return asap.
Christmas Recital featuring Fermata Music school will take place in Starbucks coffee at Lucan Shopping Centre on December 9th from 5pm-6pm.
Lucan Christmas Fair Ballyowen Community Centre December 2nd 11am to 3pm. Featuring A Christmas Market, Santa’s grotto, spot prizes and hot chocolate and more.
Christmas Calendars- County Photos came to the school recently and took a class photo. We have used these photos to make a class calendar for every room. They are A3 in size and would be a lovely stocking filler for Grandparents etc. They will be on sale from Monday 27th November, in the morning at 9am and before both pickup times. Children can also bring the money into school and give it to the class teacher. They are priced €3.00 each or two for €5.00.
All fundraising this year is going towards a sensory floor sticker and pathway which will benefit all the children in St Thomas’. Therefore, we welcome and appreciate your continued support.
Christmas Carol Service/ Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Donations We will be holding a short Christmas Carol service in St Patrick’s church on the 14th of December at 11:15 (time subject to change should urgent parish needs arise). Children will sing carols and read Christmas poems. Please feel free to dress the children in Santa hats or Christmas jumpers. In the spirit of giving, we will also be collecting non-perishable foods to donate to St Vincent de Paul. We encourage all children to bring in something or whatever families can give at this time to donate for St Vincent de Paul. It is a great opportunity for children to experience giving to others. All non-perishable, store cupboard items, such as biscuits, pasta, dry grains, tins, boxed/packaged foods are suitable. The school is collecting items up until the 14th of December. The charity of St Vincent De Paul has a profound impact helping families in our local community and needs all the support we can give in their annual appeal. The school will be presenting the donations to representatives from the St. Vincent de Paul on the day.
Is mise le meas,
Teresa Moynihan