St. Thomas' J.N.S.

Newsletter 18/5/2023

Newsletter 18/5/2023

Newsletter 18/5/2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Congratulations: A heartfelt congratulations to many of our second class pupils who made their First Holy Communion last Sunday May 13th in St. Patrick's Church. The children were a credit to their school, teachers, parents/guardians and community alike. Thank you all, including our parents, guardians, parish team, teachers and SNAs who prepared the children so well, with most praise going to the pupils themselves of course. The children were so well behaved and represented themselves remarkably. Well done boys and girls, we are very proud of you all!

Communion party in Scoil Áine: All 2nd class pupils will enjoy a party organised by the Parents' Association in Scoil Áine's hall this Friday 19th May to mark both the First Holy Communion and nearing the end of 2nd class. The children will attend school as normal that day 9am-2:40pm and can wear their own clothes if they wish to do so. Thank you sincerely to the PA who put lots of time and effort into organising this lovely day for the pupils and to Mr. Reilly for facilitating the use of the school hall.

Communion Photos/2nd class photos: All second class pupils had their photos taken yesterday by County Photos. The proofs will soon follow and there is no obligation to buy the pictures if you do not wish to do so.

Junior Infant School Tour: Our junior infants visit Newbridge House and Farm today for their school tour. Thank you to all our parent volunteers for supporting us in order to make the day as safe and enjoyable as possible.

Standarised testing began this week in first and second classes and will continue next week. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is in school over the next two weeks so that they can partake in the testing. If your child is ill however, please do not send them to school. Importantly, we ask you to note that standarised tests are only one measure of how your child is doing in school academically and the outcome depends on how a child performs on a given day and at a given time. Teacher observations, checklists, assessments, projects etc. are all equally valid methods and so we ask that no undue pressure is placed on the children regarding testing.

School fees/requisites: 2023/2024. You should have recently received an email outlining the school fees/requisites for the school year 2023/2024. Fees can be paid via databiz or via the school office. These fees cover arts, crafts, ICT, photocopying, dance, drama performances, Aladdin/Databiz app. etc. School books for 2023/2024 are provided by the school on loan as per the Free Book Scheme. If you did not receive this letter/email, please contact the school office on 01 6282691. Incoming Junior infants 2023 will have already paid above fees after registration was completed.

Are you moving house/school? If so please contact Maureen in the office as soon as possible so that she can update your details. We also wish to ensure that school reports are posted to the correct postal address.

Camp Esker 2023: Our Annual Summer camp will be returning with lots of fun activities this summer from the 3rd to the 7th of July. Priority is given to pupils from St. Thomas’ and the camp is run by fully vetted school staff. There is a limited number of places. Please email to book your child’s place and for registration details.

June Camp: Mr. Kelly & Ms. O' Reilly will be running a June camp on the 6th and 7th of June. The camp will take place in the school from 9:30 -2:30 pm and will include sports and games, STEM challenges, Lego, coding and more! The camp is 50€ for two days or 40€ per sibling and is suitable from junior infants up. For more information please

(*All after school clubs and camps are run independently of St. Thomas' JNS*)

Dates to Note!

We have a very busy and fun few weeks ahead ............:

School Tours: Snr. infants (May 25th), Second classes: May 30th/31st, 1st classes: June 2nd

Upcoming closures: June 5th, 6th, 7th (June Bank holiday and school holidays) June 29th Summer Holidays-school closes at 11:50am for infants and 12pm for 1st/2nd class pupils.

Incoming Junior Infant Parent Night: May 24th @8pm in the Junior Hall. We are looking forward to meeting our new and returning parents. Please do not bring children along to this meeting.

Sports Days: June 12th and 13th. More details to follow.

Don't miss what promises to be a fantastic night out!

PA news: We have decided to bring back St. Thomas’ Parents Association Quiz Night. It will be held in The Lord Lucan on Friday 26th of May @ 8pm. To reward our attentive Newsletter readers, we will share a few facts about St. Thomas’ JNS in the run up to the night. You never know if you’ll need them!!! Advance tickets are on sale now via Eventbrite

Buying your tickets in advance will help us to get up and running quickly on the night. Tickets are priced at €40.00 per table of four plus Eventbrite booking fee. As we build up to the event, we would love you to share our Facebook post advertising the quiz, this is a good opportunity to share a bit of community spirit with friends and family. We will be picking one lucky person at random who has shared our Facebook post. They will be awarded with a nice bottle of wine on the night – you only win if you’re there though.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Ms. L. Murray,

Deputy Principal

Esker, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland
01 628 2691
RCN: 20204514
© 2024 St. Thomas' J.N.S.