Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Ruaille Buaille Lucan Children’s Music festival will take place in Griffeen Park on Saturday 15th June from 11.30am to 4.30pm.. A singer Rebecca Rodgers will teach our 1st and 2nd children 4 songs which they can sing at Crinniú na nÓg – One Voice project. One Voice will see the festival gather as many children and their adults as possible and join voices to create a memorable open-air sound like no previous Ruaille Buaille event. One Voice will be led by the extraordinary soloists Rebecca Rodgers, Simon Morgan and Jay Rankin. Just arrive on the day and the words will be up on a big screen so everybody can get involved. The event will be in the Ruaille Buaille Music Village @ 12noon in Griffeen Park, Saturday June 15th.
Scoot to school week nationally is being celebrated next week, 11th June to 15th June. We are encouraging as many children to scoot to school. This is an environmentally friendly way to travel and we encourage all who can participate to participate.
School Website We are currently updating our school website with new photos to be uploaded in the coming weeks. We have added a page with a list of useful websites for each subject in the curriculum to support your child’s learning. You may find this useful over the summer months. Please click here to access it
PA Cake Sale Thank you to all who supported our Cake Sale last Friday and to all the volunteers who assisted. 1,039 Euro was raised. It’s very much appreciated. Above are some photos of posters which the PA have purchased to enhance our yard and expose children to education in the environment.
Uniform and PE tracksuit Drive The PA are organising a uniform drive which will take place during the last week in June (Date TBC). If you have any uniforms or school tracksuits that you no longer have use for and that are in good condition, please leave them at reception between now and the end of June. All uniforms are free and no exchange is necessary. Final date for drops is June 26th.
Sports Day We will be holding our school sports day for junior and senior infants on Tuesday June 11th and for 1st and 2nd classes on Wednesday June 12th (Weather permitting). The children should wear runners and their school tracksuit or shorts on these days. Please also apply sun cream if necessary and send in a sunhat and a second drink with your child on that day. The children will be participating in a variety of fun activities on these days, from obstacle courses, to potato and spoon races, water races and parachute activities. Parents are invited to view their child’s last activity of the day, if they wish. For junior and senior infants, this will be 1.10-1.30 on the 11th and for 1st and 2nd classes it will be 2.00-2.30 on the 12th. Your child’s teacher will let you know in advance where your child will be for that activity. Please don’t bring hot drinks/coffee cups with you during this time and please do not smoke or vape on school grounds. Please also note, no dogs are to be taken onto school grounds and no scooters past the bike shed. Please be aware, photos may be taken, but they are for personal use only. Please don’t share images of other children on any social media platform.
All children will return to class before home time to get their school bags so please don’t ask to take your child home early.W e would appreciate some parental help on the days, so if you are available to help out at a station on either day, please inform your child’s teacher or send an email for Ms. Nolan to Many thanks for your cooperation and we look forward to a fun sports day for all! Ms Nolan
School Closures
The school will be closed tomorrow Friday 7th June for European and local elections. It will reopen on Monday 10th June.
School Calendar 2024/2025 is available here.
Road Traffic There has been some near accidents involving children crossing the roads surrounding the school. Can I ask that parents/guardians speak to their children about road safety and the importance of being alert on busy roads.
Sun Safety As the days become sunnier please apply sunscreen to your child in the mornings as needs be. Thanks.
Summer Camps Ms O’Reilly and Ms Doherty and Mr Kelly will be running two summer camps over the summer if your child is interested in joining us. The first camp will run from Monday 1st to Friday 5th July. The second camp will run from Monday 19th to Friday 23rd August.
They will both start at 9.30am and finish at 2pm in St Thomas JNS. The camps will include art and crafts, baking, sports and games, construction and STEM activities, yoga and a disco. The cost of each camp is 100 euro for the week. There is a sibling discount of 95 euro per child. Please contact for further information.
Best wishes,
Teresa Moynihan