Green Schools is run by An Taisce and is Ireland’s leading environmental management award programme working with Primary and Secondary schools across Ireland. We have been involved with Green Schools for quite some time.
To date we have achieved 7 Green Flags to date and have worked on the following themes
- Litter & Waste Management
- Energy
- Water
- Travel
- Biodiversity
- Global Citizenship- Litter and Waste
- Global Citizenship -Energy
In order to attain a green flag the whole school community needs to embark on a programme of action to promote awareness of a certain environmental issue. The actions take place over a 2 year period. For every theme undertaken the school must follow An Taisce’s 7 Step Action Plan. An environmental audit must be carried out and data must be collected by conducting surveys and gathering information. Pupils must participate in Green School Committee Meetings. Class Reps are usually nominated by their teacher or elected by their peers to serve on the Green School Committee. The Green Schools Committee plays a leading role in raising awareness and suggesting and implementing actions. The school needs to demonstrate that changes have taken place so that environmental improvements are noticeable within the school. The pupils also need to create awareness of the theme in their homes and in the local community.
Before a school is considered for a flag the school’s whole school 2 year action plan must be submitted to An Taisce and An Taisce’s Environmental Officer will visit the school and inspect the pupils’ work.
Flags are only awarded to schools if certain actions have taken place and when certain levels of improvement have been attained.
We are very proud of having achieved 7 Green Flags. We are delighted with the wonderful commitment St. Thomas’ JNS has made to improve the environment. We know that every small change or improvement we make contributes in a big way to the future survival of our planet. We also know that many small changes can have a really big impact.
Pupils have enjoyed attending An Taisce’s GS Award ceremonies in The Helix, DCU. When pupils are called on stage to collect their school’s latest Green Flag there is always a great sense of delight, pride and achievement. Each time a new flag is awarded a special flag raising ceremony is organised at school with the whole school community in attendance. These days are important occasions on the school calendar and both pupils and staff enjoy the celebrations.

This is the variety of all life forms on earth; plants animals insects fish all types of species all over the planet
Biodiversity is central to our lives and in St Thomas’ we learn how to conserve and protect it with the help of our friends the fairies!
Flora, Polly, Sky, Basil and Faun keep a close eye on our school to make sure the boys and girls in St. Thomas’ are doing their part to protect our planet!

Reducing litter and waste
We use re-usable bottles
We use re-usable lunchboxes
We use compostable kitchen paper in our lunchboxes
We aim for Zero waste in our lunchboxes
We keep our classrooms tidy
We pick up litter
We recycle clothes/paper
We compost our fruit waste

Our Travel Code
Walking is good exercise
W.O.W Walk once a week
We cycle
We park and stride
We carpool
MYL Monday
NCT No car Tuesday WOW
FFF Feel good Friday

Our Water Code
We use hippo bags
We use plugs in our sinks
We turn off taps when not in use
We learn how to save water

Our Energy Code
We switch off lights when the room is empty
We switch off lights when the hall is empty
We switch off computers when not in use
We switch off all equipment when not in use
We turn off radiators when it gets warm
We close doors when it is cold